Scared that you may be at risk of developing cancer? This SA doctor has an interesting and innovative take on this disease that has become the single biggest threat to mankind’s health in modern society.
By Dr Craige Golding
1 – Revealed: The root of all cancers
Traditional cancer treatments focus on the tumour as if that were the cause of your cancer. The real issue is the tumour cells flowing through your bloodstream. For starters, cancer cells shed. It’s a natural process. If you undergo surgery, the tumour is cut out of your body.

But some tumour cells are released into your blood and they float around. Since fighting cancer has weakened your immune system, these tumour cells multiply fast and it doesn’t take long for cancer to rear its ugly head again.
Turn to heavy doses of chemotherapy and radiation and you could make new cancer cells resistant to treatment. You could turn them into “super cancer cells” that mutate and turn into an entirely different form of cancer.
That’s why, in this special Natural Health Dossier report, I’m going to reveal the details of: • A simple blood test that can help you detect cancer a year and a half before it hits. • How fighting the one thing your cancer needs to survive can help ensure you never get that cancer diagnosis. • As well as how adding these vegetables to your diet could prevent family cancers like breast and prostate cancer.
2 – Introducing a test that can uncover cancer 19 months before your doctor knows you’re sick
Cancer is easiest to eradicate if your doctor finds it early. The problem is, screenings and biopsies usually don’t discover cancer cells until it’s too late. But there’s a simple blood test that’s 95% accurate and is revolutionising cancer treatment. It’s called the AMAS test and it looks for levels of a certain protein that appears in a cancer patient’s body. When this protein level is high, chances are good you have cancer… Even if you feel fine.
Early detection can make a big difference in treatment. It can help you make lifestyle changes and find alternative ways to destroy cancer. Maybe avoid chemo altogether.
Here’s how it works: AMAS stands for “anti malignin antibody in serum”. An anti malignin antibody is the protein your body produces as a response to the presence of disease including malignant cancer cells. Since anti malignin antibodies (AMA) are elevated in most people with cancer, it shows up in your blood.
The more antibodies you have, the more likely you have cancer. AMAS is an extremely precise immunoassay (a biochemical test that measures the presence or concentration of an antibody in your blood). If your test levels are above the baseline, it indicates the presence of cancer with 95% accuracy on the first testing and over 99% accuracy when tested twice. In the 34 years it’s been around, the team is yet to find a type of cancer that doesn’t respond to AMAS testing.
The cut-off point for a positive AMAS is 135. More than 99% of patients with cancer have AMAS levels above 135. AMAS levels below 135 are normal and indicate you don’t have cancer. About Dr Samuel Bogoch, creator of this life-saving test Dr Samuel Bogoch is a professor at Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine. He’s a Harvard trained neurochemist. For over 20 years, he’s studied the nervous system. He’s the founder and chairman of the Foundation for Research on the Nervous System. He has established three research labs and authored over 150 journal articles and patents. Since 1981, Dr Bogoch’s AMAS test has been used on more than 5,000 cancer patients in double-blind studies. His test is able to detect cancer 19 months earlier than traditional methods.
3 – Who should take the test?
While we’re all becoming more and more at risk of cancer thanks to environmental factors, early detection is especially important if you:
• Have a family history of cancer.
• Are over the age of 45.
• Work in high-risk industries where you handle chemicals or toxins regularly (occupations like painters, maintenance workers and hairdressers, to name a few.)
• Smoke or used to smoke.
• Are obese.
These factors make your cancer risk far higher so pinpointing it early is essential.
Where and how do you take this test?
As screening processes go, the AMAS test is cheap. It costs only R2,200 to do. It consists of a simple blood test that’s non-invasive and quick to take. The only catch is that only the lab that conducts this test is based in Massachusetts.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t take it. You can either ask your doctor to call the Oncolab (if he knows about it) or order the free lab testing kit online at order.php.
After completing the test, have your doctor mail in your blood sample. The results will then be sent back to your doctor two to three days after Oconolab receives the sample. Results go to the doctor only, unless you sign a release form.
What if your AMAS test comes back positive?
Conventional methods for fighting cancer include weeks or months of debilitation. Chemo, radiation and surgery all have negative side effects because the whole point of them is to kill as many cells as possible. But chemotherapy and radiation also harm healthy cells. Especially the ones that divide quickly, such as those that line your mouth and intestines or cause your hair to grow. And they come with brutal side effects too including hair loss, skin irritation, diarrhoea and infertility.
While tests like AMAS merely detect a problem, once you know you have it, you can fix it.
4 – And since cancer is primarily caused by an unbalanced immune system, a good place to start is by “cleaning house” with a good detox diet. Then you can start building yourself up with proper nutrition by eating foods that starve cancer cells, instead of help them thrive. And stopping cancer cells from getting the very things they need to survive: Oxygen, nutrients and blood. I reveal how to do just that on the next page.
(Photos: Internet)
Read it all here:
A Doctor’s Guide to Cancer: Starve cancer cells out of your body
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