The Cape Doctor truly made sure that the 220 participants in the 2017 Downwind Dash from Langebaan to Saldanha Bay got the wind up . . . and realised it was NO time to throw caution to the wind.
A gale force and unpredictable South Easter literally blew some contestants off their boards and transformed the sky above the Langebaan Lagoon into a kaleidoscope of psychedelic colours and speeding shapes.
On Monday afternoon, the organisers were still battling to sort out the final race results and individual times of the respective winners, saying the extreme weather conditions and unpredictability of the wind (averaging between 27 to 40 knots) forced them to concentrate on safety rather than score-keeping.
This 31st Downwind Dash for windsurfers, kite boarders, hobie catamarans, intermediate SUPS, SUP & Surf ski (intermediate) and sailing dinghies was another huge success and despite the wind, no injuries were reported. The following report was posted on the team’s FB page:
!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!!!!
Official Statement regarding race results
“Due to extreme weather conditions experienced during the 2017 dash, we have had to delay the release of any final race results. The safety of our competitors was our main focus on Saturday and we are currently working in conjunction with Mobii, our timing partner for the Langebaan Dash, to finalize the timing and results.
We will release the winners names and photos once all pending queries have been resolved. Results at present are available to review online:
Should you wish to log a query about your result, please do so by 5PM today by emailling us at
Thank you for your patience, support and sportsmanship!
Langebaan Downwind Dash team.”
Meanwhile, it was evident from underneath postings on their FB page that many contestants lost their gear “blowing in the wind”. Lost equipment can be collected at Kitelab Kite Surfing Langebaan or Saldanha Beachclub.
“I lost a 2014 airush 9m wave kite with a bar during the event. The kite is red, white and black. If someone finds it please let me know (0713323832). Thank you
9m2 North Rebel Grey
Twin tip Naish (Teale and orange)with gust sticker on
Greetings All!
My board is still missing.
Vanhunks bucca flew 140. It’s got a woody finish and there’s a loop for a board leash (that I didn’t use, like a tjop) that’s screwed onto one of the fins.