Sleek, slender and sexier than ever . . . More than ten years and two kids later after she first turned the international kiteboarding scene on its head, Langebaan’s triple world record holder and speed champ Sjoukje Bredenkamp is ready for a come-back in the sport that sets her mind and spirit free.
Sun-bronzed and exuding health and vibrancy with a giggling 18 month old Arija happily hooked on one hip, 28 year old Sjoukje looks longingly at the Langebaan lagoon’s crystal waters. It’s now or never to prove her mastery again as the fastest woman in the world on a kiteboard – before she gets too old or loses her confidence and skills!

“I believe I owe it to myself and my children to make a come-back now while I still can, otherwise I will always regret it.”
Sjoukje was a mere 18 years old when she smashed the 500m kiteboarding speed record in Walvis Bay in 2006 by almost 2 knots with a run of 37.24 knots. Those who thought it was a once-off fluke had to swallow their doubt when she repeated and improved her achievement in the following two years at the world championships in Lüderitz by not only smashing her own record by 5 knots, but also beating the existing overall speed record held by Switzerland’s Karin Yaggi with a breathtaking speed of 42.3 knots.
Sjoukje’s amazing ascent at such a young age in the competitive and male-dominated kiteboarding world scene is not so unexpected if one considers her family history. Named after her Frisian grandmother (to keep the female family names in her bloodline alive), Sjoukje boasts the genetic make-up of both sporty parents who inspire and support her.
“My dad taught me to windsurf and then later to kiteboard on the Vaal River and the Grootdraai-dam near Standerton where my grandparents live. We both prefer kiteboarding and after a vacation in Langebaan to check out the scene, we moved here in 2003.”
Dad Hennie Bredenkamp is himself an accomplished kiteboarding and windsurfing champion and mom Geertje, who also participated in this years’ Downwind Dash to Saldanha Bay, is a Pilates instructress.
“Both my parents are very sporty and still very active. Mom has her own Pilates and Life Coach Practice and Dad is currently a part-time DJ at night and an adventure sport junky by day in Cape Town. I guess competitive sport and an active lifestyle are in our genes.”
Meeting later at the Siren Kiteboarding School that Sjoukje started in 2011, a bekkige 5 year old Aeon and Arija joined us for a quick photo shoot, both sporting their mother’s wide smile and spontaneity. Watching Sjoukje handling the boisterous sibs with ease and calm, it seems as though she takes motherhood as easily in her stride as surfing the waves.

“Having kids is not the end of one’s career. I want to get back on track and live my potential in every aspect to the fullest of my ability – that includes being a Super Mom as well as a Super Surfer!” says Sjoukje with a grin.
She is fast getting there, having already pocketed this year’s Downwind Dash and the Mykonos Big Air event in January. Next is the final leg of the SA Kitesurfing championships in Blouberg Strand next weekend where she hopes to claim back her surf and turf, and have doors re-open into the international kiteboarding scene.
“I stick to my Motto:
Face your fears;
Live your Dreams;
Fear is temporary;
Regret is Forever!”
Watch this space and read more about Sjoukje’s world records underneath:
Photo: This stunning action shot of Sjoukje, taken by Sue Gilden at Langebaan Main Beach in 2013, was published in the magazine High Heaven with this caption: “This very artistic shot of a woman in full action and full creativity, it almost looks like the athlete is pulling off a dance move in the air. For women to express themselves freely, in unconventional shapes and forms, is something very unusual in action sports photography.”
Most memorable moment in her career – Watch the video:
Interview and action footage of Sjoukje Bredenkamp’s women’s speed sailing world record run of 45.20 knots (84kph) on 19 Sept 08 at the Luderitz Speed Challe…
WeskusonTheline het Sjoukje die volgende vrae gevra:
WKOTL: Jou ongewone naam (Sjoukje) kom van jou ouma van Friesland aan moederskant af. (Ma se Ma). Van wie dink jy het jy jou ekstreme sportiewe talent geërf – Ma of Pa of albei?
SB: My pa en ma is albei baie sportief en aktief. Ek dink ek het iets by albei geërf. My pa is goed op die praktiese gebied om te help met toerusting en afrigting en my ma is goed op sielkundige en emosionele gebied. Sy is ‘n lewensafrigter en Pilates-instrukteur en my pa was ‘n 400m hekkies-kampioen op skool en is self ‘n sweefplankry-kampioen. My pa het my geleer sweefplankry en my ma weet hoe belangrik is die balans tussen sport, ‘n gesonde leefwyse en emosionele welstand . . .
WKOTL: Behalwe watersport – in watter ander sportsoorte blink jy uit of hou jy van?
SB: Ek het op ‘n perdeplaas by Lanseria grootgeword en ry dus van kleinsaf perd (bloots soos ‘n Indiaan!

). Ek is ook mal oor branderplankry, skaatsplankry en sokker! Op skool het ek ook aan netbal, atletiek en swem deelgeneem.
WKOTL: Gunsteling-kleur?
SB: Turkoois soos die see as ek MOET kies, want ek hou eintlik van alle kleure van die reënboog. (Ek is mos ‘n Rainbow Nation child!)
WKOTL: Gunsteling-kos en drankie?
SB: Ek kan nie sonder sterk koffie/cappucino klaarkom nie en sushi kan jy my enige tyd van die dag voer. My liefde vir Rum kom seker van my seerower-gees . . . .

WKOTL: Waar het jy skoolgegaan?
SB: Trinity House College in Randburg en sedert 2003 tuisonderrig in Langebaan sodat ek kon kitesurf en reis.
WKOTL: Hoe oud was jy toe jy die eerste keer probeer windsurf en toe kitesurf het en wie het jou geleer en waar?
SB: Ek het op 11 leer windsurf en op 14 leer kitesurf. My pa het lank ge-windsurf voordat hy begin kitesurf het en het homself eintlik van internet-foto’s af geleer kitesurf. Hy het my op die Grootdraaidam buite Standerton geleer waar my ma se ouers woon.
WKOTL: Jy was maar 18 toe jy die eerste Wêreldrekord vir spoed in sweefplankry in 2006 in Walvisbaai gebreek het en wêreldkampioen geword het. Was jy voorbereid daarop en vasbeslote om te wen of was dit in daardie stadium amper te goed om waar te wees – amper soos ‘n vloekskoot?
SB: Ek was redelik goed voorbereid en het 2 jaar tevore reeds met my spoedloopbaan begin . . . so ja, ek het hard daarvoor gewerk en is bevoorreg dat my Pa in spoed spesialiseer en my dus behoorlik kon voorberei . . . maar dit was nogtans ‘n wonderlike gevoel!
WKOTL: Hoe het dié skielike wêreld-bekendheid jou lewe en jou uitkyk op die lewe beïnvloed?
SB: Dit het my die kans gegee om die wêreld te sien en my horisonne te verbreed en te verstaan hoe die res van die wêreld buite Langebaan lyk en werk. Dit het my ook die verskil geleer tussen ‘n groot vis in ‘n klein poeletjie wees teenoor ‘n klein vissie in ‘n groot oseaan . . .
WKOTL: Ná jou eerste deurbraak in 2006 het jy jou eie wêreld-spoedrekord nog twee keer verbeter en boonop ook die vroueseilsportrekord gebreek om amptelik die vinnigste vrou op water te wees (alle afdelings). Wat was die HEEL GROOTSTE oomblik in jou watersport-loopbaan?
SB: Die dag in 2008 toe ek ‘n wêreldrekord-spoed van 45 knope behaal het (84 km/h) in die Lüderitz Spoedseil-wêreldrekorduitdaging oor 500m . . . dit was net ‘n ONgelooflike oomblik . . .
WKOTL: Die koms van jou kinders moes noodwendig ‘n groot invloed op jou loopbaan, lewe en toekomsplanne gehad het. Hoe het Moederskap jou beïnvloed?
SB: My eerste swangerskap het my al gedwing om vinnig groot te word en belangrike keuses te maak. Ek kon nie meer kompeterend deelneem en die wêreld vol reis nie, maar aan die anderkant het my kinders se geboorte my die geleentheid gegee om te GROEI as mens en my eie kitesurfing besigheid Siren Kiteboarding School in Langebaan te begin. (Die naam Siren versinnebeeld vir my die roep van die see en wind.)
WKOTL: Op 28 is jy nog jonk, fiks en sportief genoeg om weer ‘n terugkeer te maak. Wat is jou onmiddellike planne noudat die kinders groot genoeg is om in dagsorg te wees en wat is jou volgende uitdaging?
SB: Ek het in Oktober verlede jaar weer begin deelneem aan die SA sweefplankry-kompetisies in Kaapstad en Port Elizabeth. Ek het ook vanjaar die Mykonos Big Air-kompetisie (vir hoogte en sweeftyd) op 6 Januarie en die Langebaan Downwind Dash-resies op 7 Januarie in stormsterk wind gewen. Eerskomende naweek neem ek deel aan die laaste been van die jaarlikse SA Sweefplankry-kampioenskappe in Blouberg. Dit sal my algehele ranglys-posisie landwyd bepaal wat hopelik vir my deure sal oopmaak om weer internasionaal mee te ding.
WKOTL: Enige verwyte(regrets) of iets wat jy vandag anders sou doen?
SB: Ek glo alles gebeur met ‘n doel en alle hoogte- en laagtepunte berei jou voor vir jou eintlike lewensdoel en eindbestemming.
WKOTL: Wie is jou grootste ondersteuner(s)?
SB: Weens omstandighede waartydens ek grootliks op myself aangewese was, moes ek leer om sterk te wees en dus my eie grootste ondersteuner en motiveerder te word en my eie innerlike krag te ontdek.
WKOTL: Wie is jou grootste mentor / held of persoon wat die grootste invloed op jou lewe het/gehad het?
SB: In my kitesurfing-loopbaan is my pa beslis my held. Hy het my al in die vroeë jare geweldig ondersteun en op die pad gesit. Sonder hom sou my sukses onmoontlik gewees het. My oupa Hennie (pa se pa) wat laasjaar aan kanker dood is, was altyd my mentor vir sakebelange en praktiese lewensadvies. Ek mis hom baie en voel steeds sy wyse gees en leiding.
WKOTL: Sal jy jou kinders aanmoedig om ook sweefplankryers te word of sal jy dit aanvaar as Arija byvoorbeeld glad nie daarin belangstel nie?
SB: Ek sal my kinders aan verskillende sportsoorte en aktiwiteite blootstel en hulle aanmoedig om aan alles deel te neem, maar hulle is vry om te kies. Ek sal hul keuses respekteer en ondersteun.
WKOTL: Ander stokperdjies?
SB: Ek maak juwele en droomvangers met skulpe en kristalle vir ‘n ekstra inkomste – dit is iets wat ek tydens my oorsese reise ontdek het en wat my fassineer en kalmeer.
WKOTL: Gunsteling-boek?
SB: Ek is ‘n groot leser, maar Paulo Coelho se Alchemist is in dié stadium steeds my gunsteling.
WKOTL: Gunsteling-musiek?
SB: My pa is besig om my die truuks van disko-joggieskap (DJ) te leer, want ons is albei mal oor musiek. As ek ‘n spesifieke genre móét kies, sal dit seker Goa Trance (energieke musiek met ‘n spirituele inslag) wees.
WKOTL: Wat is jou beste eienskap? En jou swakste?
SB: Goedgelowigheid en vrygewigheid. Ek vertrou mense miskien te maklik en kry dan dikwels in die proses seer. Dit is derhalwe seker ook my swakste eienskappe.
WKOTL:. Enigiets oor jouself wat niemand weet nie?
SB: Die meeste mense ken my sportiewe en kreatiewe kant. Die lewe het my egter my dieper kant leer ontdek en ek stel baie belang daarin om mense op ‘n geestelike, emosionele en fisieke manier te help. Ek hoop om in die toekoms meer in hierdie rigting te groei en te leer en daardeur ‘n verskil in mense se lewens te maak.
Lees ook:
Fastest female kiteboarder-world record set by Sjoukje Bredenkamp
[Oct 16 2008] Lüderitz, Namibia–SJOUKJE Bredenkamp (19), from Langebaan, South Africa has broken the outright women’s speed sailing record in Lüderitz. She is now officially the fastest woman in the world on water!
SJOUKJE Bredenkamp managed to break the outright women’s record for all sailing craft, with a smashing 42.35 knots, beating the previous record held by Windsurfer, Karen Yaggi of Switzerland.
Sjoukje was riding a 5-metre Helix kite, a new model in the Naish Sigma range, a revolutionary new shape in the kite-boarding world, and a specially designed speed board from Cape Doctor kite-boards in Table View!
Sjoukje’s Father, Hennie Bredenkamp was also competing at the record attempt and managed to improve his previous African record of 42.99 knots, set on a windsurfer, to an amazing 44.63 knots, now on a kite.
Alexandre Caizergues managed to bring the male kite-boarding record into second place on the Outright ranking with an amazing speed of 47.92 knots, the second fastest sailing speed ever just behind current outright world record holder Finian Maynard from the Virgin Isles.
Link: SJOUKJE Bredenkamp’s website…/fastest_female_kiteboar…
Also read what ExPix Athlete Profiles – The ‘Who’s Who’ for the Extreme Sports World published about Sjoukje in 2009.

PHOTO: Sjoukje on a shoot in Shark Bay Langebaan
Sjoukje Bredenkamp the fasted woman on a kite and currently the outright speed record holder for a woman sailor is only 20 and a true extreme sports athlete.
Breaking the world speed record in Luderitz Namibia last year Sjoukje capatpulted herself into the history books forever by becoming the first woman on a kite to hold the worlds speed sailing outright record.
Born in Johannesberg in South Afica she has been kiting fo approx 5 -6 years. Sjoukje is in the vanguard of the new wave kitesurfers, living without limits and turning the sport of kiteboarding on its head. Fueled by a blend of competative ability and enhanced by the belief that the real limits are only those imposed by yourself.
That statement has been proven twice since 2006 when Sjoukje smashed the previous world 500m record by almost two knots with a run of 37.24knts putting her in the record books for the first time and then again in October 2007 when after the kite world saw major developments in both kites and boards she not only beat her previous kite record by 5knots but also beat the existing overall speed record held by Switzerland’s Karin Yaggi with a run of42.35knts.
Sjoukje is not just a kiter she enjoys life to the full and is an accomplished artist, and a budding writer and photographer. She reads whenever she can and travels almost year round. An asset to any team she does most of her own promotion and is keen to capture a big sponsor who will help her develop her talents and take her kiting to the next level.
DOB …………………………………11/6/88
lives …………………………………Langebaan, South Africa
favourite Kite Spot……….. Pearly’s beach Langebaan
has kited in ……………………..South Africa, Brazil, France, Namibia, Morrocco, UK, Feurte.
Equipment………………….. … Niash Helix kites and cape doctor speed boards
Listens to ………………………..almost anything
When not kiting………………watches films, cooking, travel, surf, paints, draws, explores, goes mad pray’s for wind and enjoy’s life
Why kiteboarding………… I can let go and let the elements take me for a ride on the wild side. I have fun andbecause its my passion, it sets me free and keeps me in touch with my heart.
Your phylosophy………….. If you are disrespectful to mother natue she will give you a hiding. Show respect at all times to the ocean, the wind and to the legends that came before us. Face your fears, live your dreams and always remember that great achievements involve great risk.
How ExPix met Sjoukje
We first met Sjoukje Bredenkamp (pronounced show – kya) on a trip to SA in Jan 2007. Already the fastest woman on a kite at 19 she didn’t seem the sort of person who would do that sort of thing. With a bohemian style and a laid back attitude she was just the typical teenager you would find anywhere in the world. But she had something different, a glint in the eye, a cheeky smile and she could hold her own with any of the boys.
She showed us around Langebaan ( the real town ) as we were looking for interesting places to do some lifestyle shoots. For her help we offered her the chance to have a few shots for her portfolio. Now our chief photographer Ian Edmondson must make a confession here . . . he didn’t think she would come across that well . . . even though she was bubbly and had an enchanting charisma.
Well, how wrong can you be . . . within seconds of getting out of the car at the first venue she had all but frozen. Gone was the cocky bullish attitude and in her place a nervous yet willing and almost studious person replaced the girl I had just been speaking to. Hmm, nervous . . . not good for the camera . . . wrong again !!!
Within seconds we already had two shots in the bag that were stunning . . . the nervous look translated well in the camera and as she viewed them on the screen you could see her confidence grow. Within 30 mins I had another series of shots and it seemed every click produced a winner. Unfortunately the rain started just as we were getting into the flow . . . Ah well, can’t win them all.
So later that days Sjoukje took me to a few other places and we managed to get an almost full portfolio for her.
Since then we have shot with Sjoukje on several occassions around the world, Namibia in a disused diamond mining ghost town, the river near her home for speed, UK, Fuerte France, Namibia and SA during competitions and of course at her home in Langebaan.