Gemengde gevoelens heers oor Donderdag se Opedag Inligtingsessie oor die beoogde akwakultuur-ontwikkeling wat by die Saldanha-hawe beoog word.
Van die organiseerders meen ‘n geskatte 450 belanghebbendes het sporadies tussen 3 en 6 nm. opgedaag om meer uit te vind en beswaar aan te teken. Die oorgrote meerderheid was ooglopend teen die ontwikkeling gekant weens die potensiële besoedelingsgevaar en die impak wat dit onvermydelik op watersportaktiwiteite en toerisme sal hê.
Raadslede André Kruger en Dries Venter was onder die belanghebbendes wat meer kom uitvind het oor wat die ontwikkeling presies behels. Veral die eerste groep besoekers was ontevrede oor die samedromming van mense in die beknopte saal sonder lugreëling en die feit dat daar geen “amptelike voorlegging” was nie – net grafiese voorstellings en inligtingstukke teen die mure en informele gesprekke met die konsultante. Baie mense het ook nie geweet dat daar vorms was wat hulle kon invul om hul besware bekend te maak nie.
‘n Drukgroep wat sterk teen die beplande “visboerdery” gekant is, meen daar is hopeloos te min met die publiek en belanghebbendes gekonsulteer en dat baie meer feitelike inligting nodig is voordat so ‘n ontwikkeling eens oorweeg kan word. Hulle het ‘n beroep op alle belanghebbendes gedoen om betrokke te raak, te registreer en hul besware aan te teken voor 10 Maart 2017.
Hieronder is ‘n amptelike skrywe van die drukgroep.
Happy Friday Everybody
Regarding the reaction to DISASTER TO STRIKE LAGOON effort, we are happy to say that yesterday’s turn out at the Langebaan Library was a great success. More than 250 concerned Langebaaners and a few Saldanha Bay residents, as well as a few regular holiday makers came to find out more about the proposed Mussel and Fish Farms that DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries ) is trying to establish in the Saldanha Bay and Langebaan Lagoon. To view the Basic Assessment Report from the consultants you can log on to the link below.…/za-saldanha-bay-aquaculture-developm…
The general feeling was that not enough was advertised and brought to the general public’s attention.
Some of the questions that were raised are:How many jobs will this create ?
Who are the people / companies tendering?
How will the deportment DAFF & DEA (Department of Environmental Affairs) control the water quality of the lagoon and prevent lice from the alien fish species.
What is the likelyhood of attracting sharks and seals coming to feed off fish farms ?
How many jobs will be lost in the water sport and tourism industry due to this development.
There are many issues that have not been taken into account and now is the time for the community to make themselves heard.
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a form will be emailed to you and once completed you can scan and email it back or drop it off at Print & Post in Laguna Mall or Cape Sports Centre , Main Road or at Total Garage next to Spar.
PLEASE SPREAD THIS MESSAGE so that everybody can know . Let’s Keep Our Bay Beautiful .
Lees ook meer hier:…/article/0,8599,1663604,00.html