West Coast lovers will have to unite and fight themselves against politicians and corruption threatening the region

 While the critical drought in the Western Cape / West Coast is forcing the Powers That Be to take desperate measures to prevent a disaster, it has become obvious that communities and citizenry will have to unite and fight back in order to protect their regions from political decisions and corruption that threaten the livelihood and well-being of all species.
The West Coast region is no exception and faces an industrial revolution that can turn the entire region into a second Vanderbijlpark if citizens don’t get involved to play watchdog and to ensure that risky and ill-thought plans are not implemented without the necessary impact studies and expertise to monitor and manage it continuously.
The decades long Red Dust pollution in Saldanha Bay is but ONE example of the responsible authorities NOT being able to solve the problem once and for all . . . (scroll down for article).

Respiratory Problems:

Is it a coincidence that the West Coast already has such a high occurrence of respiratory problems – also in children? Pharmacists admit that “an exceptionally high percentage of children” in the region are on chronic respiratory medication, nebulizers and asthma pumps – mainly due to the industrial pollution in Saldanha Bay.  “Many people who moved here from Gauteng and other provinces looked forward to escape the city pollution here along the pristine West Coast, only to find their children and themselves suddenly developing serious chronic respiratory problems which they never had before. While some allergies may be caused by pollen, most are due to industrial pollution,” a Langebaan pharmacist said.

While tempers are still flaring over the irregularities and environmental impact of the Tormin and Elandsfontein/KROPZ mines along the West Coast, a smorgasbord of other planned developments also pose a serious threat to the livelihood of the region.
The proposed lithium-ion battery production and recycling factory, as well as the controversial aqua-farming development in the Saldanha Bay area,  can cause irreversible ecological and environmental damage to the area IF strict adherence to environmental legalities and policies is not enforced. (Links right at the bottom).
But WHO is going to police and monitor these industries in a place and time where even the appointment of a Municipal Manager for the SBM and a road construction project in Langebaan seems to be beyond the skills and expertise of the existing leaders? Where public resorts are closed for tourists and visitors due to the water crisis, but an allegedly illegal phosphate mine is granted millions of litres of drinking water?

The action groups Save Langebaan Lagoon and People Against Saldanha Aquaculture are appealing to the public to assist them in their quest to protect the lagoon from irreparable damage and pollution due to impractical and risky fish farming practice

The public can attend a Fun Beach Day at the Langebaan Main Beach on Sunday 21 May to raise awareness about the proposed aquaculture developments planned for Saldanha.

On Monday, 22 May, a Focus Group Panel Discussion about the proposed aquaculture project will be held at the Protea Hotel in Saldanha Bay from 08h45-12h00.Read more about it here . . . and maybe it is time that local residents, affected parties and all who love and care for the West Coast, take hands and help fight to protect its unique assets for generations to come.

Scroll down and also read the latest on the water crisis and other issues:

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Proposed Molapong Aquaculture Project (DEADP) REF # 16/3/3/1/F4/17/3014/17

Monday 22 May 2017


Protea Hotel, Saldanha (51 Main Rd, Saldanha)

You are hereby invited to a focus group panel discussion meeting for the proposed Molapong Aquaculture project in Saldanha Bay as part of an ongoing public participation process under the NEMA EIA Regulations.

This focus group meeting is intended for organisations that have registered or raised comments for the Molapong project in the NEMA Environmental Authorisation Application Process. It will take the form of a facilitated expert panel discussion aimed at addressing or clarifying technical issues surrounding this aquaculture proposal and the main issues of concern that were raised.

The programme for the meeting is as follows:

8h45 – 9h10 Registration
9h10 – 9h15 Welcome and attendance
9h15 – 9h20 Overview, programme and protocol
9h20 – 9h50 Panel discussion 1 – water quality
9h50 –10h10 Panel discussion 2 – disease and ecological / marine life impacts
10h10-10h30 Break
10h30-11h00 Panel discussion 3 – socio-economic
11h00-11h30 Panel discussion 4 – process and Public Participation
11h30-11h50 Other issues, general discussion and questions
11h50-12h00 Wrap up and way forward

We kindly request that you delegate one representative from your organisation/group to attend the meeting. Please RSVP with the name and contact details of the representative by Friday 12 May 2017, by responding to this email.

Weslander 20 April: Image may contain: text
Kaapstad bespoedig noodplanne vir water

Die Theewaterskloofdam, die grootste van die ses belangrikste damme wat water aan Kaapstad lewer, was teen Maandag net 15,59% vol. Foto: DistriksPos

Met die vooruitsig op nog ’n winter met swak reënval is die Kaapse stadsraad gereed om van aanstaande maand af noodplanne in werking te stel om die stad se waterbronne aan te vul.

Hy het Dinsdag op ’n vergadering met sakelui en inwoners dié noodplanne, asook beplanning vir die bestuur van die stad se water in die toekoms, bespreek.

As die reënval dié winter weer ondergemiddeld is, kan die Kaap se damstelsel teen 2018 “in duie stort” en munisipale dienste en sanitasie erg ontwrig. Dit kan ’n ernstige uitwerking hê op die ekonomie en op die gesondheid van die vier miljoen mense wat afhanklik is van die stad se water, het Peter Flower, direkteur van die stad se afdeling vir water en sanitasie, gesê.

Hy het gewaarsku daar is geskiedkundige bewyse van tydperke van tot ’n dekade van ondergemiddelde reën in die afgelope eeu in Kaapstad, en dit kan weer voorkom.

Die Wes-Kaap se gemiddelde damvlakke het aan die begin van die week op 20% gestaan. Die stad oorweeg reeds vlak 4-waterbeperkings en hy bespoedig sy projekte om sy waterbronne aan te vul.

Indien die damvlakke verder daal, sal waterbeperkings verskerp en die waterdruk verder verlaag word.

As die gemiddelde damvlakke tussen 10% en 15% daal, sal ’n “onderbroke watertoevoer” aan woonbuurte gelewer word.

Indien damvlakke onder 10% daal, sal net ’n “noodlyn”-watertoevoer voorsien word, met uiterste beperkings op waterverbruik en baie lae waterdruk. Inwoners sal selfs water in houers by versamelpunte moet kry.

Flower het gesê die plaaslike noodtoestand is in Maart afgekondig aan die hand van sowat drie maande se damwater wat moontlik sal oorbly indien geen vroeë reënval uitsak nie.

Hy sê om voor te berei op die uitwerking van klimaatverandering en ’n groeiende vraag na water, sal Kaapstad sy waterbronne moet diversifiseer om minder van oppervlakwater en reën afhanklik te wees. Water sal duurder word en stadsbeplanning sal doeltreffender verbruik moet nastreef en “watersensitief” wees.

Dit word verwag dat ’n aanvoorprojek teen einde Junie sal begin om grondwater uit die Tafelberggroep-waterdraer te pomp, wat twee megaliter water per dag kan lewer.

In Junie sal konsultante aangestel word vir ’n ondersoek na die moontlikheid om grondwater uit die Kaapse Vlakte-waterdraer te ontgin, wat vyf megaliter water per dag kan lewer.

Tenders vir die bou van ontsoutingsaanlegte by Koeberg en naby Atlantis sal teen Julie geadverteer word. Dit behoort 450 megaliter water per dag te lewer en sal sowat R15 miljard kos.

Die stad beplan ook om afvalwater van die Zandvliet-aanleg te behandel en terug te pomp in die waterstelsel. Dit kan 220 megaliter water voorsien.



Lees ook:

Waternood bly kritiek

Met die Voëlvleidam wat tans op 19,20% van sy kapasiteit staan, verdiep die huidige waterkrisis.

Die owerhede doen tans alles in hul vermoë om te sorg dat Swartlanders se krane nie opdroog nie.

Swartland-munisipaliteit se burgemeester, Tijmen van Essen, het gesê die Voëlvleidam se kapasiteit is 164 095 MF en water kan onttrek word uit dié dam vir die Swartland tot op so ongeveer 17-18%. Hierna moet die water oor ’n obstruksie gepomp word of die obstruksie moet verwyder word volgens ’n opmeting wat die departement van waterwese moet doen.

“Wat dit vanjaar egter verder bemoeilik, is dat die totale water in alle damme op 24 April op slegs 23,3% staan, teenoor 30,9% ’n jaar gelede. En die Theewaterskloofdam, wat die grootste dam is, se inhoud is tans slegs 16,40%.

“Maar wat wel hierdie jaar beter is, is dat Waterwese die damme beheer om die balans tussen alle beskikbare damme beter te beheer.

“Maar steeds, die water is dié jaar kommerwekkend laag.”

Van Essen het voorts gesê dat Malmesbury ook nog drinkwater uit ’n dam in die Paardeberg kry , maar dit is minder as 5% van Malmesbury se totale waterverbruik.

Alhoewel die Voëlvleidam deel van die Wes-Kaap se watervoorsieningstelsel is, kan dit nie deur die ander damme (Wemmershoek, Onder-Steenbras, Bo-Steenbras, Theewaterskloof en Bergrivier) of uit die Bergrivier gevoed word nie.

Die Voëlvleidam is nie in die loop van enige groot rivier gebou nie. Dié dam kry sy water slegs uit twee kanale vanaf die Klein Berg-, Leeu- en Vier-en-twintig-riviere, waarvan die opvangsgebiede in die Porterville- en Tulbaghberge is.

Die dorpe Malmesbury, Riebeek-Wes, Riebeek-Kasteel, Abbotsdale, Kalbaskraal, Chatsworth, Riverlands, Darling en Yzerfontein ontvang hul drinkwater slegs uit die Voëlvleidam.

Moorreesburg en Koringberg kry drinkwater uit die Misverstanddam wat in die verlede hoofsaaklik uit die Bergrivier- dam gevoed is.

As gevolg van die lae damvlakke van die Bergrivierdam en die Theewaterskloofdam word daar geen water meer uit die Bergrivier vrygestel nie. Dié jaar word water wat in die Misverstanddam gestoor sou word nie uit die Voëlvleidam vrygestel nie.

Twee dorpe van die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit, Hermon en Gouda, kry ook drinkwater vanaf Swartland se suiweringsaanlegte by die Voëlvleidam.

* Intussen is graanprodusente reeds besig om te plant.

Johan de Lange van Kaap Agri het gesê dinge gaan soos normaal voort by koringprodusente, met die enigste nadeel dat weens die droë omstandighede kon feitlik geen voortplant, nie-selektiewe onkruidbeheer plaasvind nie.

Verder is hulle positief dat die reën nog sal kom.



AFRICAN BATTERY FACTORY to produce 200 GWh lithium-ion batteries p.a. off Saldanha


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